A sustainable home can start with just one small change and grow from there. It’s easier than you think. Trying to eliminate single use items and save natural resources is the goal. It only takes one person to start a movement.

17 Easy Sustainable Home Ideas

17 Sustainable Home Ideas

  1. Use Cloth Napkins instead of paper towels
  2. Invest in Counter Rags instead of using paper towels
  3. Choose Bamboo Paper Products (Nose Tissue, Toilet Paper)
  4. Start using Bar soap, or homemade soap (even for dishes!)
  5. Make your own cleaners with reusable glass spray bottles
  6. Eliminate Plastic from purchases (like grocery store vegetables or dishwasher detergent or plastic spice containers)
  7. Clean and reuse paint brushes
  8. Keep old sheets and reuse them for rags, drop cloths, or shade ties
  9. Use Laundry Strips (link opens google search) vs Giant Plastic tubs of detergent
  10. Wool Dryer balls vs laundry dryer sheets are always great swap
  11. Bamboo wraps vs plastic wrap
  12. Silicone sandwich bags
  13. Keep glass food containers to reuse for spices, flours, or soap (like spaghetti sauce containers)
  14. Keep old drinking glasses for painting water cups or other art projects
  15. Install a water barrel to store water for your plants (inside and outside plants!)
  16. Shade your doors and windows with curtains to keep your house cool in the summer
  17. Use a heating blanket to save on whole house electric heat costs in the winter
2 Comments on 17 Easy Sustainable Home Ideas

2 Replies to “17 Easy Sustainable Home Ideas”

  1. Thank you for posting this valuable post. Your ideas are very insightful and the writing is clearly crafted. Keep it up!

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